The company “ADM Solutions” offers performance of welding works of any configuration
and complexity. MIG / MAG welding, TIG welding, MMA welding.
MIG/MAG – semi-automated welding with a wire electrode in gas (argon or carbon dioxide)
environment is among the most popular methods, it is used for welding steel (including
stainless steal) and aluminium alloys.
TIG welding is manual welding by using non-melting tungsten electrodes within the shield
gas environment. TIG welding process is performed at a low temperature, which is different
from other types of welding, therefore, its main advantage is the capacity to melt not only
thick, but also very thin metal materials.
MMA – manual arc welding with a flux electrode. It is applied for welding carbon and
stainless steel. Carbon steel can be welded by alterate current (AC) or direct current (DC),
only direct current may be used for welding stainless steel.